Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 2015 Overview

Theme: Being a Responsible Citizen

Secondary Theme: Forgive Others - The Power of Grace and Mercy

If I want to rid my heart of anger and resentment, then I will forgive others.

If I want forgiveness to have value, then I must give it away.

If I forgive, then I am giving up my bitterness and am no longer consumed by unproductive thoughts of revenge and rage.

If others are critical of my goals and dreams, then I will forgive their lack of vision and I will forge ahead.  

If I forgive myself, then I will erase doubts, fears and frustrations that have kept my past in my present.

If I forgive myself, then my life has just begun.

If I forgive those who do not ask for forgiveness, forgive those who criticize me and forgive myself, then I will be able to greet each day with a forgiving spirit.

Time Period


"And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you."
--- Ephesians 4:32


Lo, Now, My Guest
by Robert Louis Stevenson

LO, now, my guest, if aught amiss were said,
Forgive it and dismiss it from your head.
For me, for you, for all, to close the date,
Pass now the ev'ning sponge across the slate;
And to that spirit of forgiveness keep
Which is the parent and the child of sleep

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