Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Vision Day 2018

Vision Day 2018

Welcome to Vanguard!  We are excited to be having our Vision Days this year on September 13th and 14th. Please come having read Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris.

Please also do the following Inspirements from each lens to be prepared for Vision Day!
Image result for abraham lincoln
History: The blog is up and it is a lot of reading.  Get started!  I enjoyed using a magnifying glass to see the pictures better.  Try that, if you have one. If you don't have one, go buy one or borrow one. ;)


Bring an image of a ninja.  It should fill about 1/2 - 3/4 of a regular 8.5 X 11 paper. You can draw your own or find one online. Cut it out. Put your name on it. Bring it for the ninja chart. Here's mine.

Also, watch this video, and get excited about learning about Atoms.

I'd really like to trust atoms, but they make up everything.

One more Thing: Go to this link:
And sign up.  

Leadership:  Read You Are Special by Max Lucado

Imaginative Arts:
Hi Vangaurdians,this is Sister Eagar

I am super excited to be your Imaginative Arts Mentor!  My brain has been so full of ideas, it's been hard to narrow them down.  We are going to be creative this year, and we are going to work in groups for almost everything.  The first Inspirement, due on VISION DAY will be individual,though.  I'm calling this project,        
"This is Me"

I want to know about you!  I think it's safe to say your friends want to know about you as well.  I want you to be creative in how you present you!  Here are some ideas.
1.  Take pictures of your room, the things you like to do, your family, etc.  Get some baby pictures, too!  Display them on a well organized poster board and come prepared to tell us all about your photos.
2.  Make a slideshow on the computer.  Add music and words to it. 
3.  Make some kind of shadowbox or trifold display that has things you have made, or things that tell about you.  Be prepared to tell us all about it.
4.  Make a YouTube type show about yourself and take some video footage that shows us some things about who you are.

The whole idea here is to tell us who you are, what you like to do outside of Vanguard life, what your hobbies are, what sports you play, where you were born, what languages you speak, what books you like, movies, music, and everything!  I want this to be an awesome display of YOU!  Above are just some ideas that I had.  Please be creative and do something that you are comfortable with!  You are unique, special, awesome, and we want to get to know you.

You will have 3-5 minutes to tell us about you.  NO MORE, NO LESS!
Time it.  Practice at home.  Make it fun.  Funny.  Interesting.


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