Friday, August 23, 2019

Vision Day 2019!

Vision Day will be held on Sept. 12-13, 2019!
We're excited to start another GREAT Vanguard year!

Please have the following completed before Vision Day:

Leadership - 

- Read "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens" by Sean Covey (the whole thing)  We'll be referencing this book throughout the whole year.

And please use our Vanguard book reading standards...
  • We prefer that you actually read the book
  • If you choose to listen to the book on Audible, don't listen any faster than 1.5x the speed 
  • If you choose to listen, keep the hard copy of the book near you and pause the recording to take notes and mark parts in the book that stand out to you
  • Part of our weekly accountability going forward will be to see if your book is marked
- Here is a brief recap of last year‘s highlights that we will be referring to throughout the year starting at Vision Days. We strongly  recommend your students be familiar with these concepts so they can understand what we are referencing in our discussions. 
Click on the links below to access the information:

Do Hard Things (8 minutes)

Hal Elrod... Miracle Morning 
Personal interview (15 minutes) 
Animation (5 minutes) 

History - 

1 - Please print, read and mark this article and bring it to class to discuss.  "Invitation to the Pain of Learning" by Mortimer Adler

2 - Do a word study on the word "TRUTH".  Please follow the format found here.

Imaginative Arts -

1 - Please print and read the talk "A Child of God" by Henry B. Eyring. If you want to watch or listen first, that’s great. But then read it anyway. Make some notes. Ask questions of yourself:
  • “What do I need to do to become a great learner?” 
  • “How can I be a better student?” 
  • “What do I need to learn from this talk?”, etc.  
Come on vision day prepared to discuss and share some insight you gained from President Eyring’s talk.

2 - Project:   Movie Poster
Make a movie poster to help us get to know each other better. (This movie need not be based on a true story)

WHO - The movie is about you, but which movie star will be playing you?
WHAT - We need a Title. What is it about? What do you do?
WHEN - Think about when in your life this story takes place.
WHERE -  Where is this movie set?
WHY - Why should we go see it? Give us a great tagline.
HOW - You can make this anyway you are comfortable. Hand drawn, collage, paint, digital, whatever. Just have fun with it.

Some movie poster examples below.

Eureka - 

1 - Watch the video "Intro to Anatomy & Physiology: Crash Course"

2 - Read the intro to "A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe" pages xiii-xxxii.

3 - Come prepared to share one cool thing about the intro.

4 - Today's numbers, also called Hindu-Arabic numbers, are a combination of just 10 symbols or digits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0.
Find the numbers 0-12 from another society, either modern or ancient.  Write them down, and bring them to vision day.  Be prepared to share what civilization they are from, and who possibly invented them!

5 - Also, please bring your compass!

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