Monday, February 10, 2020


For our Feb. 27, 2020 Field Trip day, please read "The Red Scarf Girl" by Ji-Li Jiang about the Cultural Revolution in China.

Consider the following as you read and ask yourself the 5 Types of Questions:

  1. Why did Ji-li’s parents choose the name “Ji-li”? What does it mean?
  2. Why did Ji-li wear a red scarf?
  3. What are some of the reasons why Ji-li describes her life as “nearly perfect.”
  4. What were the “Four Olds”? Why did Chairman Mao want the Four Olds to be destroyed? What examples does Ji-li give of destroying the Four Olds?
  5. Humiliation is a theme in this memoir. Find an example of a moment when someone was being humiliated. Who was being humiliated? By whom? For what reason?  Has this tactic been used by anyone else in history to get their way?
  6. What is a da-zi-bao? What conflict did Ji-li confront when she was asked to write a da-zi-bao? What did she do?
  7. On page 126, Ji-li shares, “In the three months since the Cultural Revolution had started, changes had been so constant that I often felt lost.” What are some changes that Ji-li has experienced since the start of the Cultural Revolution.
  8. Describe the policy of confession promoted by the Red Guards and those in charge of the Cultural Revolution. Who is asked to confess? About what crimes are they confessing? What is done to encourage people to confess? Has this tactic been used by anyone else in history to get their way?
  9. How does Ji-li Jiang explain why so many people went along with the Cultural Revolution?
  10. What important lesson does Ji-li take away from her experience growing up during the Cultural Revolution?
  11. What happens to Ji-li’s family after the Cultural Revolution?
  12. Why does Ji-li decide to move to the United States?
  13. In the final line of the epilogue, Ji-li writes, “I hope this book will be part of that mission.” What is the mission she refers to in this quotation?

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