Thursday, April 30, 2020

End of Year Presentations! Yay!

It's my favorite time of year!!!  End of year presentations!!!

This has been a year like no other and none of us will ever forget it.  I'm kind of feeling a bit like this little guy.  How about you?

But we have so much to celebrate!  I can't wait to hear about how you've grown and changed over the last 8 months, not only in Vanguard, but in every part of your life.

Here are our standard instructions and ideas for end of year presentations.

Here are a few changes this year:

  • You will be doing a video presentation.
    • Please upload it to the YouTube channel before Weds. at 3PM
  • Please keep your video presentation between 5-7 minutes.
  • We will all watch the videos before class time and will spend our class time (Thurs. at 9:30am) doing something really fun from your presentations.  (This is why we need the presentations uploaded early.  We need time to prepare the really fun thing.)
  • If you've had a great idea for a presentation all year and it's not something that can be done in a video, please let Sis. Fontano know ASAP so that we can arrange zoom meeting time for you to present.  (But please, if at all possible, make  a video.  You have lots of options and have seen many great video presentations throughout the year for ideas.)
  • Log into the Zoom meeting with these credentials:

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