Saturday, October 10, 2020

Oct. 15 Field Trip/Activity Day

On Thurs. Oct 15 we will be having our Field Trip/Activity Day.  Please plan to meet at the new park in Spanish Fork at 2PM.  (The park is at 1321 E Canyon Rd Spanish Fork)  Here is information about the new park for anyone interested.  

Let's meet at the tree circled in red below.  

We will play at the park for a while and then have our book discussion on "The Golden Goblet" by Eloise McGraw.  (This is your only homework that week, so make sure you finish it.)  Come prepared to discuss principles you found and use the 5 Types of Questions from the VG Tool Box.  Also think about these questions to prepare for the discussion:
  • If you were Ranofer, would you have tried to catch Gebu in crime before he did? Why or why not?
  • Do you think Gebu was a nasty person before he found out he had to take care of Ranofer or after? What makes you think that?
  • Discuss Ranofer's honesty.  Even though he's not the one stealing the gold how does he take measures to not be involved in it anymore, in any way?  How is his life affected by his decision?  Even after his life drastically changes, does he still think he did the right thing?
  • Discuss the relationship between Ranofer and Heqet.  What does Heqet want? What does Ranofer want?  How are they still able to be friends?
  • Courage isn't feeling fear, but doing what be done in spite of the fear.  How does Ranofer show courage in this book?  What motivates him to have this courage?
  • Describe Ranofer's character.  How does he get such character?  How does he hold on to his good moral character ever while living with his brother who doesn't have a great character?  
  • What is important to Ranofer?  What does he want?  What could he have asked the queen for when she offered to reward him?  What did he ask for?  What does this tell us about Ranofer's character.
  • What principles did you see lived in this book?  What principles were not lived?  How did it affect the characters?
  • Where else do we see the evidence of these principles in our lives or other works of literature?

We'll return to the Martin's home around 4:30PM where we will work on fire starting until dinner at 6:30PM.  Then we will be carving and star gazing until 1AM.  

This is a Vanguard activity until dinner time and then younger siblings and other family members are invited to join us for dinner and for the rest of the evening.  Dinner will be hot dogs roasted over the fires the youth start and pot luck side dishes.

Please bring the following that day:

  • pocket knife for carving
  • pot luck side dish to go with hot dogs (1 per family)
  • jacket (once the sun goes down, it will get cold)
  • bug spray
  • sun screen
  • water bottle
  • blanket to lay on to look at the stars
  • anything you have to start a fire with (i.e. flint & steel, magnifying glass, magnesium fire starter, etc.  NO lighters, matches or lighter fluid please.)
***If it's cloudy that night and we can't see the stars, we'll end quite a bit earlier.

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